Keeping a check!

In what is a good indication lately, a few of the people are interpreting the several judgments that are passed by the judiciary. They have also got to say that different courts have different interpretation about the laws in the country.

The signs, therefore, bode well for the country. A system of check and balance, no matter how trivial, petite or insignificant, is always good to ensure accountability, ultimately contributing to good governance.

And this should probably be seen from positive aspects as well, rather than merely viewing this as an infringement or underestimating the functioning of one of the most revered institutions in the country.

Several judgments are passed by courts almost every day, but do we even feel the need to question the judiciary. How it’s done? And not even the media is questioning as well.

While media have done ample of coverage on serious legal issues, enough stories on court issuing important verdicts on many issues, most of it is related to what was in the verdict. Was a judge even questioned for the reasons for the verdict? It was merely accepted unquestionably as if it was coming from the god himself. Do we even care to ask for a simple explanation?

What we need to comprehend, therefore, is that the institutes like judiciary are made up of people too – judges and they are humans too. They can err; they can make flaws like a normal human being. They could also go wrong. Histories and media reports elsewhere are also abound with stories of their fallibility.

Questioning the courts, therefore, seems setting the right precedent. May be it is time they should be held accountable too. This was pointed out even by the previous government after the verdict on the Constitutional case and that media accepted unquestioningly the verdict of both the High Court and then the Supreme Court. It was also accentuated then that it was not only the legislature, but all the organs of the government that the media should hold responsible.

Perhaps, the time to start such a thing would be now. It’s never too late to start a good thing!

[February 9, 2014]


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